


A beautiful, sophisticated girl is admired by everyone around and literally mesmerizes her chosen one. But what to do if this very chosen one begins to doubt whether his companion is not an escort.


The fact is that it is not easy to recognize a person providing escort, who dresses vulgarly and behaves defiantly with all men without exception.


The most expensive escort models always remain discreet and delicate, but still the representatives of this profession have their own distinctive features.


  • Professional Escort Models have a somewhat different lifestyle from regular girls:

    — They spend a lot of money and time on self-care. In this case, the girl carefully monitors the condition of the whole body, so she often needs to go to the salon or pedicure, or anti-cellulite massage, or eyebrow correction. Visiting the gym for an escort model is equal to going to work, as she cannot afford a saggy tummy or flabby skin;
    — Are financially independent of men and parents. They do not account to anyone for their spending, every time they make the decision to buy on their own;
    — Spend money many times more than they earn at their job (if there is such a job). Often such models have some «ordinary» job, which they need, so that relatives and others do not have unnecessary questions. However, if you analyze, the salary at the service will not cover even a third of the expenses;
    — Feel great in public, able to support a conversation on almost any topic. If you think about it, it is easy to understand that the complex and shallow girls for a long time will not stay in this profession. Escort girl is constantly self-improving, delves into the issues of politics, economics, navigate among the world stars of show business and sports; Often smile. A friendly smile becomes a habit, many girls use it in everyday life as well.

    — Does not tell much about herself, withholds facts from her life. If a girl does not tell much about herself and carefully thinks over every word during the conversation, it is likely that she is an escort.

    The fact is that it is not easy to recognize a person who provides escorts, who dresses vulgarly and behaves defiantly with all men without exception.

    The most expensive escort models always remain discreet and delicate, but still the representatives of this profession have their own distinctive features.


    Naturally, if the girl you know has one or two of the above features, you should not hang the label «escort» on her. But if all the points describe your chosen one, do not be surprised if you open an escort site and meet a familiar face.

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